Happy Holidays My Sweet Sweet Sorors,
It's that time of year again! The Membership Services Committee is excited to cordially invite you to the 2021 Soror Holiday Social - Home for the Holidays - IAC TOGETHER AGAIN! On Thursday, December 16th from 6:30pm - 9:30pm at Blended Family Events located at 3633 E Raymond St., 46203, the Iconic Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter will come home to Delta and each other. This nostalgic holiday gathering will be filled with several holiday favs including food, music, games, shopping, gifts, a special raffle for a customized decorative Delta Bench (tickets only $10) and much much more. We cordially invite every Soror in the Indianapolis and surrounding areas who are home for the holidays to attend. This includes financial and non-financial, alumnae and collegiate, active and non-active, Soror family members that will be in town, & collegiates who too are "home for the holidays". ALL WELCOME & INVITED TO ATTEND!
Tickets are only $25 and are on sale NOW! Yet, this is Tis the Season to Give, right? So, we are offering a holiday pre-sale this week only, until Friday, November 19th at 9:13pm (smile). Individual tickets will be on sale for $20 this week and/or tables are also available during this sale for $180 with preferred group seating. Remember, we are only selling 150 tickets due to the COVID venue limited capacity so PLEASE DO NOT delay in getting your tickets!
We can't wait to see every Soror, Home for the Holidays!
With Love,
It's that time of year again! The Membership Services Committee is excited to cordially invite you to the 2021 Soror Holiday Social - Home for the Holidays - IAC TOGETHER AGAIN! On Thursday, December 16th from 6:30pm - 9:30pm at Blended Family Events located at 3633 E Raymond St., 46203, the Iconic Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter will come home to Delta and each other. This nostalgic holiday gathering will be filled with several holiday favs including food, music, games, shopping, gifts, a special raffle for a customized decorative Delta Bench (tickets only $10) and much much more. We cordially invite every Soror in the Indianapolis and surrounding areas who are home for the holidays to attend. This includes financial and non-financial, alumnae and collegiate, active and non-active, Soror family members that will be in town, & collegiates who too are "home for the holidays". ALL WELCOME & INVITED TO ATTEND!
Tickets are only $25 and are on sale NOW! Yet, this is Tis the Season to Give, right? So, we are offering a holiday pre-sale this week only, until Friday, November 19th at 9:13pm (smile). Individual tickets will be on sale for $20 this week and/or tables are also available during this sale for $180 with preferred group seating. Remember, we are only selling 150 tickets due to the COVID venue limited capacity so PLEASE DO NOT delay in getting your tickets!
We can't wait to see every Soror, Home for the Holidays!
With Love,
Click "Add to Cart" to purchase your individual ticket or a table.