The Financial Fortitude Committee is an essential component of Economic Development, one of our Sorority’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust. Within our local Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, our Financial Fortitude Committee creates comprehensive programming through workshops and presentation to address financial management, economic empowerment and business ownership for the Chapter and communities in the Indianapolis area. We have created programs for teens and adults. The committee’s signature event is our annual April Economic Empowerment Breakfast and Seminar, which we take the lead on and produce in collaboration with “Indiana MoneySmart Week” and other community partners whom we have built professional relationships. The seminars are updated each year in response to participant feedback from the previous year. All the programs are designed to provide education and resources to increase financial stability and quality of life enhancement.
For more information regarding our Economic Development Programs, please contact our Economic Development committee at [email protected].
For more information regarding our Economic Development Programs, please contact our Economic Development committee at [email protected].