Executive Committee
Executive Board
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter Executive Board consists of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee Chairs, Special Committee Chairs and Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs.
Arts & Letters
The Arts and Letters Committee promotes and supports cultural arts in the community and develops programs in accordance with Grand Chapter's directions.
The Arts and Letters Committee promotes and supports cultural arts in the community and develops programs in accordance with Grand Chapter's directions.
Black College Tour
See Educational Development
See Educational Development
Budget & Finance
This committee considers the financial needs of the chapter, collects, reviews and, if necessary, revises all budgets. They also present the annual operating budget to the chapter for approval each sorority year.
This committee considers the financial needs of the chapter, collects, reviews and, if necessary, revises all budgets. They also present the annual operating budget to the chapter for approval each sorority year.
Chaplain's Council
This committee sets the spiritual tone of the meeting when so requested and serves in this capacity at other gatherings at the request of the President. The Chaplain's Council also provides spiritual counsel to members at times of spiritual crisis.
This committee sets the spiritual tone of the meeting when so requested and serves in this capacity at other gatherings at the request of the President. The Chaplain's Council also provides spiritual counsel to members at times of spiritual crisis.
Chapter Attire
This committee evaluates and coordinates the recreational and business attire needs of the chapter.
This committee evaluates and coordinates the recreational and business attire needs of the chapter.
See Performance Team
See Performance Team
Circle City Classic
See Community Partnerships
See Community Partnerships
Collegiate Connections
This committee helps increase the transitioning rate of collegiate members to IAC by planning annual collaborative activities. They guide and foster a sisterly relationship between local collegiate and IAC members.
This committee helps increase the transitioning rate of collegiate members to IAC by planning annual collaborative activities. They guide and foster a sisterly relationship between local collegiate and IAC members.
Communication & Public Relations
See Communications & Technology
See Communications & Technology
Communications & Technology
This committee combines our Communication & Public Relations and Technology & Information Systems Committees. The combined team manages the IAC brand, technology assets, and ensures that all committees leverage technology to run the operations of the chapter. This includes management of the website, social media, email, distribution lists, virtual meeting platforms, and phone conference bridges.
This committee combines our Communication & Public Relations and Technology & Information Systems Committees. The combined team manages the IAC brand, technology assets, and ensures that all committees leverage technology to run the operations of the chapter. This includes management of the website, social media, email, distribution lists, virtual meeting platforms, and phone conference bridges.
Community Partnerships
This committee is comprised of the Circle City Classic, Couture Closet, IBE (Indiana Black Expo), Indianapolis Black Alumni Council (IBAC), Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), and Pan-Hellenic Council Committees. The team identifies, investigates, and recommends public service organizations in the service area with which the chapter can network on shared missions and common goals and assists other chapter committees in developing working relationships with such organizations.
This committee is comprised of the Circle City Classic, Couture Closet, IBE (Indiana Black Expo), Indianapolis Black Alumni Council (IBAC), Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), and Pan-Hellenic Council Committees. The team identifies, investigates, and recommends public service organizations in the service area with which the chapter can network on shared missions and common goals and assists other chapter committees in developing working relationships with such organizations.
Couture Closet
See Community Partnerships
See Community Partnerships
Custodian of Properties
This committee properly stores and maintains in fine condition all ritual and chapter properties for use during chapter meetings and other sorority functions.
This committee properly stores and maintains in fine condition all ritual and chapter properties for use during chapter meetings and other sorority functions.
This committee plans activities to increase awareness and involvement of Delta D.E.A.R.S. in social and chapter activities in collaboration with other chapter committees.
This committee plans activities to increase awareness and involvement of Delta D.E.A.R.S. in social and chapter activities in collaboration with other chapter committees.
Delta Academy
See Educational Development
See Educational Development
Delta GEMS
See Educational Development
See Educational Development
Domestic Violence
See Physical & Mental Health
See Physical & Mental Health
DREF (Delta Research & Education Foundation)
This committee helps support the program initiatives of DREF (Delta Research & Education Foundation).
This committee helps support the program initiatives of DREF (Delta Research & Education Foundation).
Economic Development
This thrust is comprised of the Financial Fortitude Committee. The committee will address issues concerning financial planning, money management, consumer education, investments, and employment opportunities. The committee also provides programs to assist chapter members and the community to start the journey to financial independence and economic empowerment and provides oversight for Financial Fortitude and any other committees, projects, and activities with an economic development focus.
This thrust is comprised of the Financial Fortitude Committee. The committee will address issues concerning financial planning, money management, consumer education, investments, and employment opportunities. The committee also provides programs to assist chapter members and the community to start the journey to financial independence and economic empowerment and provides oversight for Financial Fortitude and any other committees, projects, and activities with an economic development focus.
Educational Development
This thrust is comprised of the Black College Tour, Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, and Scholarship Committees. The committee implements national and local programs that promote academic excellence and provide financial support to students within the Chapter’s service area.
This thrust is comprised of the Black College Tour, Delta Academy, Delta GEMS, and Scholarship Committees. The committee implements national and local programs that promote academic excellence and provide financial support to students within the Chapter’s service area.
This committee conducts and oversees the election process of the chapter.
This committee conducts and oversees the election process of the chapter.
Emergency Response
This committee maintains sufficient levels of preparedness to respond to major natural disasters at the local level as well as per national mandates.
This committee maintains sufficient levels of preparedness to respond to major natural disasters at the local level as well as per national mandates.
Family Life Education
See Physical & Mental Health
See Physical & Mental Health
Financial Fortitude
See Economic Development
See Economic Development
Founders Day
This committee plans and coordinates the program to honor the Founders of the Sorority between the months of January and March of each year.
This committee plans and coordinates the program to honor the Founders of the Sorority between the months of January and March of each year.
This committee plans, organizes, and coordinates appropriate events to raise funds for chapter programs and projects.
This committee plans, organizes, and coordinates appropriate events to raise funds for chapter programs and projects.
Health Awareness
See Physical & Mental Health
See Physical & Mental Health
Heritage & Archives
This committee prepares materials for exhibition at conferences and other activities and keeps a scrapbook up to date, with documentary evidence of the activities of the Chapter and maintains the chapter's storage facility.
This committee prepares materials for exhibition at conferences and other activities and keeps a scrapbook up to date, with documentary evidence of the activities of the Chapter and maintains the chapter's storage facility.
This committee maintains an annual summary of all chapter activities in a compiled scrapbook, including photographs, news clippings, programs, and other artifacts, as necessary and ensures that photos are taken at all chapter events.
This committee maintains an annual summary of all chapter activities in a compiled scrapbook, including photographs, news clippings, programs, and other artifacts, as necessary and ensures that photos are taken at all chapter events.
Hospitality & Courtesies
This committee is responsible for extending courtesies, such as condolences, recognition to chapter members, honoring visiting Sorors who are fulfilling a speaking engagement, etc. The committee is also responsible for playing a key role in setting a hospitable environment that welcomes a sisterly spirit to our members, Sorors, and guests.
This committee is responsible for extending courtesies, such as condolences, recognition to chapter members, honoring visiting Sorors who are fulfilling a speaking engagement, etc. The committee is also responsible for playing a key role in setting a hospitable environment that welcomes a sisterly spirit to our members, Sorors, and guests.
Indianapolis Black Alumni Council
See Community Partnerships
See Community Partnerships
Indiana Black Expo
See Community Partnerships
See Community Partnerships
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
See Community Partnerships
See Community Partnerships
Internal Audit
This committee audits the chapter’s records in accordance with the procedures listed in the Internal Audit Manual.
This committee audits the chapter’s records in accordance with the procedures listed in the Internal Audit Manual.
International Awareness & Involvement
This thrust is comprised of the International Awareness & Involvement Committee. This committee helps broaden the community's knowledge and understanding of nations other than their own, increase interest in international affairs, and aid in developing a greater appreciation for people of different background and cultures.
This thrust is comprised of the International Awareness & Involvement Committee. This committee helps broaden the community's knowledge and understanding of nations other than their own, increase interest in international affairs, and aid in developing a greater appreciation for people of different background and cultures.
This committee is charged with the responsibility of managing the investment assets of IAC in accordance with the approved IAC Investment Policy.
This committee is charged with the responsibility of managing the investment assets of IAC in accordance with the approved IAC Investment Policy.
LEAD (Leadership and Education Academy)
This committee develops resources and activities to connect, inform, develop, and motivate members to serve and seek leadership in Delta Sigma Theta. They also conduct internal development activities and events to support chapter and soror leadership development.
This committee develops resources and activities to connect, inform, develop, and motivate members to serve and seek leadership in Delta Sigma Theta. They also conduct internal development activities and events to support chapter and soror leadership development.
Legal Affairs
This committee reviews legal documents, contracts, or other binding agreements that have the potential to impact finances, resources, or responsibilities of the chapter.
This committee reviews legal documents, contracts, or other binding agreements that have the potential to impact finances, resources, or responsibilities of the chapter.
This committee focuses on retention and reclamation of members. See Second Vice President.
This committee focuses on retention and reclamation of members. See Second Vice President.
MIDS (Midwest Impact Day of Service)
This committee secures and encourages financial wellness by supporting minority-owned businesses.
This committee secures and encourages financial wellness by supporting minority-owned businesses.
This committee will solicit and receive nominations from chapter members for all elected positions, to create a slate of candidates. This committee reports the names of candidates and organizes, oversees, implements, and monitors campaigning.
This committee will solicit and receive nominations from chapter members for all elected positions, to create a slate of candidates. This committee reports the names of candidates and organizes, oversees, implements, and monitors campaigning.
Nursing Home & Senior Care Outreach
See Physical & Mental Health
See Physical & Mental Health
Pan-Hellenic Council
See Community Partnerships
See Community Partnerships
This committee advises, upon request of the Chapter President, other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedures according to Grand Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws, the chapter’s Policies and Procedures and current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and serves as Chair of the Policies & Procedures committee.
This committee advises, upon request of the Chapter President, other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedures according to Grand Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws, the chapter’s Policies and Procedures and current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and serves as Chair of the Policies & Procedures committee.
Past Presidents Council
This council is comprised of past chapter presidents and acts as a resource bank and/or provides historical context to assist current chapter president.
This council is comprised of past chapter presidents and acts as a resource bank and/or provides historical context to assist current chapter president.
Performance Team
This committee is comprised of the Choir and Step Team. The committee is responsible for coordinating performances and representing the chapter.
This committee is comprised of the Choir and Step Team. The committee is responsible for coordinating performances and representing the chapter.
Physical & Mental Health
This thrust is comprised of the Domestic Violence, Family Life Education, Health Awareness, and Nursing Home & Senior Care Outreach Committees. This committee develops and coordinates health and wellness.. This committee also provides information and programs on physical health and mental well-being for the membership and the community.
This thrust is comprised of the Domestic Violence, Family Life Education, Health Awareness, and Nursing Home & Senior Care Outreach Committees. This committee develops and coordinates health and wellness.. This committee also provides information and programs on physical health and mental well-being for the membership and the community.
Political Awareness & Involvement
This thrust is comprised of the Social Action Committee. The committee implements the chapter’s Political Awareness programs and activities in the community and develops programs in accordance with the Grand Chapter's directions and increases the knowledge of current national, state, and local issues so that every Delta is informed. The committee also encourages active participation as individuals in political activity; works to enact national and local legislation of particular interest to African Americans and women.
This thrust is comprised of the Social Action Committee. The committee implements the chapter’s Political Awareness programs and activities in the community and develops programs in accordance with the Grand Chapter's directions and increases the knowledge of current national, state, and local issues so that every Delta is informed. The committee also encourages active participation as individuals in political activity; works to enact national and local legislation of particular interest to African Americans and women.
Protocol & Traditions
This committee supports the chapter with the implementation of rules, customs, structure, and standards that codify the behaviors and arrangements which ensure the perpetuation of reverence and decorum in all Sorority ceremonies.
This committee supports the chapter with the implementation of rules, customs, structure, and standards that codify the behaviors and arrangements which ensure the perpetuation of reverence and decorum in all Sorority ceremonies.
Risk Management
This committee works with the chapter President and Committees to conduct Risk Management training for chapter members and volunteers when appropriate.
This committee works with the chapter President and Committees to conduct Risk Management training for chapter members and volunteers when appropriate.
Ritual & Ceremony
This committee supports the chapter with the implementation of any chapter ceremonies (Chapter Meeting, Omega Omega, Rededication, etc.).
This committee supports the chapter with the implementation of any chapter ceremonies (Chapter Meeting, Omega Omega, Rededication, etc.).
This committee assists the Chapter President in keeping order at all times and supervises admittance of all persons to chapter meetings, and ensures the chapter, members and visitors adhere to the guidelines of the current Protocol and Traditions Manual upon entry to meetings and ceremonies.
This committee assists the Chapter President in keeping order at all times and supervises admittance of all persons to chapter meetings, and ensures the chapter, members and visitors adhere to the guidelines of the current Protocol and Traditions Manual upon entry to meetings and ceremonies.
See Educational Development
See Educational Development
Social Action
See Political Awareness & Involvement
See Political Awareness & Involvement
Strategic Planning
This committee researches and develops the chapter's overall strategy based upon the goals of the Grand Chapter.
This committee researches and develops the chapter's overall strategy based upon the goals of the Grand Chapter.
Step Team
See Performance Team
See Performance Team
Technology & Information Systems
See Communications & Technology Committee
See Communications & Technology Committee
This committee participates in raising funds for the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) annually and recommends the amount of the chapter’s contribution to UNCF. This committee also coordinates the collection of funds from the chapter to support UNCF.
This committee participates in raising funds for the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) annually and recommends the amount of the chapter’s contribution to UNCF. This committee also coordinates the collection of funds from the chapter to support UNCF.