The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy (Delta Academy) is a national initiative that serves girls age 11-14. The Delta Academy provides educational and enrichment activities to girls at a crucial time in their development. A primary goal of the Delta Academy program is to prepare young girls for full participation as leaders in the 21stCentury. The program focuses on self-esteem, community service, educational achievement, leadership development, and physical & psychological well-being. Session topics include, but are not limited to:
Self- Awareness
Healthy Body Image
Nutrition and Fitness
Career Exploration
Community Action
Leadership Development
Should you have questions or your want more information about the Delta Academy, please contact the chairs via email at [email protected].
2024-2025 Program Information
Application deadline has passed.
Reminder: Participants are only allowed (2) absences from sessions throughout the program. We are aware that some participants are involved in various activities so please double-check to ensure this program is a good fit for your student.
Important Dates:
- Required Delta Academy Sessions:
- November 9
- December 14
- January 11
- February 8
- March 8
- April 12
- May (TBD)
- December Community Service (TBD)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]